The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, aware of the impossibility of meeting the stipulated deadlines on the part of the obligees due to the existing situation and the measures to limit the spread of Covid-19, proceeded with the relevant legislation

Notaries: No transfers are made without a Building Identity…

The Notaries Association of Athens had already announced that until the passing of the relevant legislation, no real estate transfer contracts were to be signed without a Building Identity Certificate. >”We were informed by the competent Ministry of Environment and Energy that the extension of validity of the certificates of par. 1 of art. 83 Law 4495/2017 will be provided for in a provision of the law that will be submitted in the next few days to the draft law of the Ministry and is expected to be voted on immediately.

From the competent Ministry we received the information that until the passing of the relevant legislative regulation, the electronic identity of real estate is valid, while the above relevant extension regulation is not intended to have retroactive effect.

Consequently, until the passing of the provision that will provide for the extension of validity of the certificates of par. 1 of art. 83 Law 4495/2017 the Electronic Identity Certificate of the building/divided property will be required”

POMIDA’s actions

POMIDA was informed in a timely and competent manner that with the above provision of the law of the Ministry of the Interior, a few months extension of the validity of the engineers’ certificates of par. 1 of art. 83 Law 4495/2017. Until this legislative regulation is published, drawing up real estate contracts will only be possible with a certificate of electronic identity of a building or divided property, given that this provision will not have retroactive effect. 

This development is the result of the persistent efforts of POMIDA, the Coordinating Committee of Notaries, as well as representatives of technical organizations. In particular, POMIDA had requested in its letter of 17/06/2021 to the political leadership of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the extension of the validity of the “engineer’s certificate” until 31.12.2021, due to the announcement of the new increased objective values ​​from 1.1.2022, and in in view of the imminent mass arrival of citizens to draw up notarial acts of transfer of real estate and the insurmountable difficulties entailed by the exclusive validity of the “identity building” for this period.    

With its letter, this POMIDA requested the following:

*To allow the parallel validity of the engineer’s certificate until 31.12.2021, in order not to paralyze the Real Estate Market and make it impossible for citizens to carry out legal transactions with the applicable objective values.

*Yes remove the static adequacy study from the conditions for the issuance of a “Divided Ownership” identity card, i.e. individual apartments, etc., and

*Give the possibility of setting arbitrary category 5 through exclusively of the submission of building identification, within the deadline of the law, with the legal surcharges.

The full text of the letter from POMIDA is as follows:

To the Minister of Internal Affairs Mr. Kostas Skrekas

The Deputy Minister Minister of State Mr. Nikos Tagara

COM: To the General Secretary H.S. & Urban Environment Mr. Efthimios Bakoyannis

Here Athens, 17.6.2021

SUBJECT: Extension of the validity of an engineer’s certificate until 31.12.2021 due to new objective values.

Dear Ministers, Mr. General

The Ministry of Finance announced a few days ago important modifications to the zone prices of the country’s urban real estate, as well as extensions of the validity zones of the objective system. At the same time, January 1, 2022 was set as the time of entry into force of the new prices, in order to give the citizens whose zone prices were increased in the areas where their assets are located, the possibility to make property purchases or family transfers (parental benefits, etc.), benefiting from this transitional period.

Unfortunately, however, it seems that this excellent government initiative to facilitate citizens will be thwarted due to the need to submit, from 1.7.2021 , “building identity” for each transferred property, a new and untried process, which requires a series of unspecified documents including the submission of a static adequacy study for the identity of even a small “self-contained divided property”, which is possible and meaningful only for entire buildings.

If this is combined with the difficulties created by the non-reoperation of the KEDE platform for the correction of real estate areas on favorable terms, the new procedure for submitting declarations transfer tax but also the process of drawing up forest maps, then citizens and notaries will find themselves in insurmountable difficulties in drawing up any notarial deed, which will bring about a complete suspension of transactions and destruction of the real estate market, at the expense not only of the citizens, but also of the Public.         

You should also reconsider and accept the possibility of regulating arbitrary Class 5,which would be at the expense of the national economy, but also of the environment, to be turned into abandoned objects out of transaction, only through the submission of a “building identity”, within the period of validity of the law on trespassers, with the foreseen gradual increases of the Uniform Special Fine. p>

For these reasons we request:

*Yes the parallel validity of the engineer’s certificate is allowed until 31.12.2021, so that the Real Estate Market is not paralyzed and it becomes impossible for citizens to carry out legal transactions with the applicable objective values.

*To remove the static adequacy study from the conditions for issuing a “Shared Ownership” identity card, i.e. individual apartments, etc.

*To give thepossibility of regulating arbitrary category 5 through exclusively the submission of a building identity, within the period of validity of the law, with the legal surcharges.

At your disposal for any clarification and cooperation!

With special regards

The President                            The Vice President                              The Secretary General

Stratos I. Paradias           Charalambos Tsoutrelis                     Tassos G. Vappas /p> : justify?”>