POMIDA points out that this is becoming absolutely necessary today because the current procedure of paying it to the tenants has resulted in the strong protests of the landlords, because in addition to the mandatory rent reductions, there is also a significant delay or refusal to pay the due rents by tenants who, while they have already collected the housing benefit, delay paying them the rent or refuse completely, later abandoning the tenancy with unpaid rents.

The full text of the letter is as follows:

To the Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Mr. Kostis Hatzidakis

To the Director of OPECA Ms. Xenia Papastavrou

Herein Athens, 24.5.2021

SUBJECT: Restoring the payment of the housing allowance to landlords.

Dear Minister, Madam Administrator,

Since the introduction of the housing benefit, approximately two decades ago , its payment was always made to the bank accounts of the owners – lessors of the houses. This procedure protected both the interests of the owners, who are also the natural final recipients of the allowance, and of the tenants, so that they and especially their families are not at risk from any non-payment of the rent, due to the allocation of the amount of the allowance for other purposes… The previous government changed this procedure without any discussion, defining with many of its decisions, and finally with art. 8 of the current KYA D13ok. 10747/256/6.3.2019 “Definition of terms and conditions for the implementation of the Allowance program Housing”, that the housing allowance will be paid monthly “by credit to the beneficiary’s” tenant’s bank account.

This unacceptable distortion created very serious problems, especially during of the pandemic, to real estate landlords who are constantly and vehemently protesting because, in addition to the forced rent reductions, there is also a significant delay or refusal to pay the due rents by tenants who, while they have already collected the housing allowance, are late in paying them the rent or they completely refuse, later abandoning the tenancy with unpaid rents, with unfavorable consequences for both parties.

In order to deal with the above illegal behavior of many tenants, but also as a means of ensuring and for the State itself, the achievement of the purpose of this allowance, we request the immediate reinstatement of its payment directly to the lessors of houses, and not to their tenants, by amending the art. 8 of the said General Terms and Conditions, in which it is now expressly stated that: of residence, which is compulsorily kept in a credit institution operating in Greece. The allowance is not paid if the applicant has not declared in the application for inclusion in the program the number of a bank account in which the lessor of the residence is a beneficiary or co-beneficiary, or in case of failure to identify him through VAT number.

At your disposal for any clarification and cooperation!

With special regards

The President The Vice President The Secretary General Stratos I. Paradias Charalambos Tsoutrelis Tasos G. Vappas p>

Lawyer A.P.- President UIPI                    Om. NTUA Professor                       Lawyer AP – y D.N.