-Extension of engineer autopsy certificate until 30/6/2021

Given the due to the current situation due to COVID19, it is considered necessary to extend the validity period of the engineers’ certificates, which are issued with an autopsy date from 01/01/2021 to 01/31/2021, up to 06/30/2021.

With this extension, the necessary time is given for the signing of real estate transfer contracts for which an autopsy has been carried out by an engineer until January, but has not been it is possible to sign the transfer contract before the expiry of the certificate.

-Extension of completion deadline for General Urban Plans and Open City Spatial and Residential Organization Plans

General Urban Planning Plans (GPS) as well as Open City Spatial and Residential Organization Plans (SHOOAP) which are in progress and had a deadline for completion until 03/03/2021, they receive an extension until 31/12/2022.

With this arrangement it is possible for GIS and SHOOAP throughout the country to be completed with the result that many municipalities will acquire a spatial, urban planning plan – both of a strategic and regulatory nature – that will provide security of protection: a) to the environment, b) to citizens and c) to investments.

Municipalities – for those where there are studies that can be completed – in an organized way will be able to solve outstanding issues and problems of years, protecting the environment and safely allowing investments.

– Extension of preparation of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (S.F.H.O.)

Extends until 30/06/2021 the final date for the preparation of the SFIO, given that it expires on 31/03/2021, but for reasons related to the current situation due to the coronavirus there has been a delay At the same time, the Minister of Environment and Energy is given authorization to decide on a further extension if there are reasons for its necessity. E.E.P.ET.)

.EP.ET.) After cooperation and in consultation with the co-competent Ministry of Culture and Sports, it is created by decision of the Coordinator of each Decentralized Administration (at the headquarters of each Decentralized Administration) by a 7-member Special Committee. p>

The purpose of the Special Committee is to deal with cases of buildings, for which there is competence of the Ministry of the Interior – Ministry of the Interior and which are assessed by the IOM. as endangered and are:

– older than the last hundred years or are

– near a monument

– within an archaeological site

– within a historical site,

– within a place of particular natural beauty, or

– within Monument Protection Zone B.

After the creation of the Special Committee for Dangerous Preparedness for the aforementioned cases of buildings, instead of:

1) the three-member committee no. 7§2 7 of the p.d. of 13.4.1929,

2) the relevant Council of Architecture and

3) the services of the Ministry of the Interior, the Special Committee for Dangerous Preparers will be appointed.

In particular:

  • Within three days, the Special Committee will carry out an autopsy and the report will be drawn up on the same day.
  • Within three days of the autopsy, the Special Committee will meet.
  • If the building is deemed dangerous, ready for demolition. , within three days of the meeting, its demolition will take place.

The aim of this regulation is to avoid the consideration of buildings at risk of collapsing by multiple committees , councils and agencies as well as issuing contradictory opinions and approvals which creates delays, ultimately endangering the safety of citizens.

-Provision for training public contracts for reasons of public interest (energy upgrading, accessibility, building maintenance, etc.) of necessity for immediate conclusion of contracts, e.g. building maintenance. And the immediate obligation to draw up an identity card provided for by the current provision led to difficulty in drawing up contracts of immediate necessity, e.g. for configurations of accessibility for people with mobility problems, energy upgrading, etc.

-Provisions for Local Urban Plans, Special Urban Plans , delimitation of settlements, Contributor Reception Zones, identification of streets.

Issues related to the acceleration of the preparation of studies related to the TPS, EPS programs, delimitation are foreseen settlements, ZYS, road identification, as well as staffing and organization of the Technical Secretariat that assists the Coordinator.

-Facilitating citizens in removing expropriations

The new regulation allows citizens who had submitted an application to modify an approved zoning plan after zoning expropriation was lifted before 09.12.2020, to be able to continue are examined with the old regime and not with the new one instituted in December 2020, to avoid repeated approvals and further delays.  It is noted that for new applications after 09/12/2020 the relevant provisions of Law 4759/2020 are normally applied.

Regarding the aforementioned regulations, the Deputy Minister of Environment and Energy, Mr. Nikos Tagaras, stated:

“With absolute awareness of the particular circumstances that imposed by the coronavirus pandemic, we are giving the necessary time for the real estate market to function, for the urban planning of the municipalities to be “unblocked” and for the structures for electrification to be properly designed. At the same time, we take care of public safety by significantly speeding up the demolition of dangerous buildings. We are now taking the necessary decisions, so that our country can quickly return to development”