His administrative services, out of a poorly understood official duty, declare huge areas, almost entire municipalities and prefectures as his property, often without any ownership title! Then his judicial services drag the private individuals who dare to claim their rights in merciless court battles of decades, up to the Supreme Court, exhausting them financially as well as in age!  It is not enough that he is essentially incapable of rudimentarily managing his current immovable assets, but under the pretext of land registration, he claims to take ownership of hundreds of thousands of private properties that have been legally owned for decades, as well as all properties not declared in the Land Registry, instead, as we have long suggested, to go to the Local Government, which will certainly be able to make much more use of them for the benefit of society.

We will not get tired let’s say it again, especially now that the new urban planning bill is being prepared: It is a shame that the stubborn refusal of the public to limit its rights in time to the off-plan properties, as it has done for the on-plan properties since 2003, will continuously invalidate the efforts of his current leadership and will throw out the process of preparing the Land Registry for decades throughout the countryside, with the hundreds of thousands of citizens’ objections… All those throughout the country who have lost sleep, because they understood that if it does not change immediately the paranoid legislation, which requires every owner to cite title deeds from the 19th century (!), otherwise he loses his property, the Land Registry from a recording tool will ultimately be a grabbing tool of their private real estate…

We still hope that the current leadership of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which has realized the problem, will solve it already , with a provision in the urban planning bill under preparation!