• Protergia is the Energy Division of MYTILINEOS, the largest private electricity producer in Greece, which with an energy portfolio of 1,200 MW of thermal units and 200 MW of Renewable Energy Sources produces more than 10% of Greek electricity.
  • Protergia offers integrated energy services with electricity and natural gas.

What our members earn in the P.OM.ID.A-PROTERGIA program:


  • Actual Night Charge, 24 hours a day, for domestic services, for 2 full years by paying your bills on time.
  • Up to 35% off the day rates of the main supplier .
  • Without guarantee, with payment via direct debit and return of the guarantee from the previous provider.
  • Four-month fixed charge: €3.52 for single-phase – €6.80 for three-phase electricity.
  • Natural Gas: 25% discount on natural gas supply charges.
  • Check your account and save energy, through the myprotergia service.
  • Reduced annual membership fee (€25) at our offices!
  • Each member can bring as many supplies as he wants in his own name, and up to 3 electricity supplies and 3 natural gas supplies in different names .


Power from Protergia

POMIDA facing a new era: Why energy from PROTERGIA!

The European Union since its foundation has adopted the concept of open markets in conditions of full competition, because it is the only method to provide the consumer with the best product on the market at the lowest price . The free availability of basic products and services such as energy (electricity and natural gas), telephony and then the Internet was one of the first goals of this liberalization.

The liberalization of the Greek energy market

In our country, the intense competition had for years ensured consumers in the field of telephony and internet, charges comparable to those of other EU countries. From the year 2000 (n.2773/21-12-1999) the legislative framework for the liberalization of the distribution of electricity began to be gradually created, so that cheaper electricity and, with newer laws, natural gas could be on the market. Since then, the Greek electricity market has been in a continuous restructuring process with successive institutional changes, which led to the creation of the wholesale electricity market, the operation of private production units that participate in this market and the operation of private electricity supply companies to end consumers .

The planning for the distribution of electricity in our country includes the production from both PPC and private producers, the transfer of high-voltage current from the ADMIE network, the distribution of low-voltage current from the DEDDIE network, which is also responsible for all network faults, measurements, etc. , and its retail distribution on the market by the approximately 20 electricity supply companies, among which PPC is the provider in the system.

So our country joined the European concept of liberalized operation of the energy market and in this context accepted a crucial obligation: the reduction of PPC’s share in the supply of electricity to 50 % until 2020! This means that PPC will by then have to assign to the competition approximately 4 of its 7.5 million current customers and the supply companies will have to claim a share of the “pie” of five billion euros, which is PPC’s total turnover! Exactly how this will be done, possibly even by forcing consumers to switch to private providers en masse, is yet to be fully determined. But this is also now a clear memorandum obligation of our country.

But why didn’t liberalization in electricity proceed as quickly and efficiently as in telephony and the internet?  Is it because in the first attempt at liberalization in 2010, the credibility of the private market was affected by the “bursting of the bubble” of the private company, whose customers returned “one by one” to PPC? Something that is unlikely to happen again due to the measures taken in the meantime in this area by the State and the Energy Regulatory Authority (RAE).

Not so much because of this, but because energy is a much more serious and “heavier” issue than telephony, but also because in economic conditions crisis, as today, the main criterion for changing supplier is the reduction of the energy costs of the household or business. So, it is requested that the supply companies have the financial margin to offer attractive “packages” to consumers competing both with each other and with PPC itself. This can be done both through providers that have their own power plants, and through auctions of mainly cheap lignite and hydroelectric power generation, which is bought by private utility companies gaining access to lower cost generation and increasing their financial margins so that they can offer cheaper energy “packages” to consumers.

So the time has come when the A Greek consumer has the possibility to choose the company from which electricity will be supplied, without inconvenience and according to his own financial criteria.  PPC, which no longer manages the distribution network in the country, has ceased to monopolize the electricity market, since there are several alternative providers, i.e. private electricity supply companies, most of which belong to large and powerful business groups, also having significant privately owned power generation units, to which each of us can turn to choose the appropriate “package” of supply based on his needs, and indeed at competitive prices to PPC’s counterparts. Some providers have already added another important product to their “package”, natural gas, which will become more important as its distribution network expands to various regions of the country.


POMIDA’s invitation to providers

This cosmogony could not leave POMIDA indifferent, in fact of the lively interest of its members in the specific subject. In view of all this, POMIDA sent to all the electricity providers of the List of Active Electricity Suppliers of the R.A.E., a letter with the subject “Public Call for Interest to draw up an Electricity Supply Contract to the members of the POMIDA unions with favorable terms ».

 In her letter, this P.OM.I.D.A., whose purpose is to represent but also inform and serve the members of its associations – property and building owners, in the various problems they face in relation to the management of their real estate, states that “recognizes that among the services they need the owners of buildings are also the significant amounts of energy and especially electricity for their operation, the comfortable stay of their residents and the professional activity of their users, but of course at the lowest possible cost of its supply, since this is a key factor in shaping cost of living of the Greek family and the operation of businesses.

Our members who are owners of owner-occupied and owner-occupied properties of any kind, or managers of multi-storey commercial buildings or apartment buildings, belong to that category of consumers who, by the nature of things, are by definition creditworthy and completely consistent in fulfilling their obligations. Today, when the electricity market has been liberalized, they are interested in long-term cooperation with a supplier and not in opportunistic jumps from one to another, but of course on terms that will take into account their particular energy and transactional “profile”, i.e. with the supply on the best possible financial terms”.

“Given that in our country there are many businesses today that provide electricity, our union members are insisting that we take the initiative to get them access to electricity at the cheapest possible Home and Business tariff, as is the case with property owners’ organizations in many other European countries, who have have for decades entered into similar agreements with electricity providers in favor of their members. POMIDA already has similar experience as, after public calls for interest, it organized and today offers to its members the group building insurance program of its members, which has been operating nationwide since 2004 with great participation, due to a significant reduction in the cost of building insurance and a completely successful operation of the program, which is implemented by the insurance company “INTERAMERICAN”.

That is why the Board of Directors of POMIDA believing that it will be able to help all its members to get electricity at the lowest possible price, creating at the same time another incentive to participate and stay as members of its associations – members throughout the country, invited every provider of household & of low-voltage professional electricity of the RAE’s Table of Active Electricity Suppliers, which has a network of direct or indirect physical customer service that covers all the regions and major cities of the country, so that members of all our associations have easy access and good service, to declare his interest in drawing up an Electricity Supply Agreement (supply program) to the members of POMIDA unions under the following terms:

Terms and Conditions

The object of the agreement will be the supply of electricity to any interconnected point in the country, single-phase and three-phase day and night for domestic use, for shared building services and for professional use with a discount tariff or billing method or with a fixed discount on the company’s existing tariffs, based on the General Principles and the provisions of the Electricity Supply Code of R.A.E., according with which each consumer is free to search and choose the most favorable offer for electricity supply taking into account the published tariffs and services of the providers and their energy profile.

All members of the Owners’ Association of Greece, central union of POMIDA and its branches, and members of POMIDA’s unions from all over the country will have the right to participate in the program the country, who are owners of self-occupied homes or self-occupied commercial buildings as well as owners or managers of apartment buildings and multi-storey buildings, only for their own-occupied or self-occupied properties or for those although used by third parties, but the electricity supply remains in the name of the owner.

The charge for the consumed electricity will be based on the discount tariff that will be agreed between POMIDA and the company (supplier) that will be selected, regardless of the amount of consumption. The proposed tariff will have fixed characteristics, throughout the duration of the contract and its possible extension, without offers of an initial (temporary) nature. 

The Board of Directors of POMIDA with the criterion of the interest and the best service of its members and in general the most practical and efficient training and operation of this program will evaluate freely and at its discretion each offer that will be submitted without being bound by any of them, and will choose any considers not only that it is the most competitive in terms of financial charges, but also that it better meets the purpose of the above program and is easier to implement for the members of its unions throughout the country.  At the same time, it will have the right to further special negotiations with each of the suppliers who will express their interest in improving the offered products, tariffs and facilities for inclusion in the program of the old and new members of the unions and finalizing the general terms of cooperation of this.

 After the start of the operation of the program, the Board of Directors of POMIDA will reserve the right to unilaterally terminate cooperation with the supplier if he does not comply with the obligations, pricing and facilities he declared to offer, if he is indeed unable or systematically refuses to serve our members, or does not systematically inform his network of the existence and operation of the program, despite the notification of a written warning-protest to it and the subsequent cooperation with another supplier, in the above case, as well as if the supplier stops its operation.


The decision of the Board of Directors . of P.OM.ID.A

 Six electricity supply companies responded to the above invitation, which submitted their offers, including PPC, which informed us of its current tariff.

The Board of Directors of P.OM.I.D.A., after checking these offers, drawing up detailed comparative simulation tables of the offered tariff charges with actual electricity consumption bills, and after taking into account all the financial and other elements of these offers, as well as the of the companies that submitted them, unanimously decided and accepted the offer of the company “Mytileneos Anonymi Etairia – Group of Companies” with the trademark “PROTERGIA”, which is also the largest independent producer of electricity in Greece, since it considered that it is:

  • The most competitive offer in terms of its financial charges,
  • The most complete, since it also includes the possibility of natural gas supply, and
  • The easiest and most widely implementable, due to the strong credibility of the offering company and the high recognition of its trademark.  


Signature of cooperation agreement with PROTERGIA at the POMIDA offices

POMIDA invites Thereafter, the interested property owners – members of our associations across the country to benefit from this Protergia offer and at the same time inform all their well -known homeowners and all kinds of businesses, and even the managers of their apartment buildings, that now, media What is important to ensure the status of a member of the Union of Greece or any other POMIDA Association is the privilege of a significant lower energy account! > and reduced annual subscription 25 € for our members!

See at the end the attached presentation of the full program of our collaboration! span>

new collaboration POD.A.- Protergia, why:

  • Protergia is the energy sector of Mytileneos, the largest private electricity producer in Greece, who with an energy portfolio of 1,200 MW of thermal units and energy portfolios 200 MW of Renewable Energy Sources produces more than 10% of Greek electricity. Gas. >
  • actual nightlife, 24 hours a day, for domestic benefits, for 2 whole years with the timely payment of your accounts.
  • up to 35%discount compared to day-to-day supplier charges.
  • 12PT; ”> No guaranteed, with a bank account reimbursement and the return of the warranty from the previous provider.
  • : 3.52 € for single -phase – 6.80 € for three -phase current. Gas. Li> Reduced annual membership (25 €) to our offices

each Member can bring as many amenities as he wants in his own name, and up to 3 electricity and 3 natural gas benefits in different names.

style = “font-size: 12PT;”> Necessary supporting documents etc. On the power supply application:

  • Latest Power Account Copy (2 Side), even if it is in another name! Photocopy of Identity or Passport ▪ VAT, DOU, Email, Mobile & Amp; landline phone
  • today’s indication of your power supply meter
  • Your Member Registration Number from your card or EIATH offices
  • Mail If you wish to receive your account only electronically
  • if you wish to declare a secure payment order via bank account.
  • You can contact you:

    *In the offices of EIATH, Aristotle No. 4, 4th floor, Thessaloniki, where every Friday morning will be welcomed by a dedicated Fellow of Protergia who will receive the supporting documents and fills out on the spot on site. Your application! Tel. Understanding: 2310-220797, 2310-272188, 2310-280228

    *At by your personal email, on” POD.Ada Members Program. ” “> *In the Customer Service Department of Protergia, tel. 18311, daily 9:00 am – 23:00 pm On the next business day, the application will be sent to you. 18pt; = “Alternate Noopener”> PRESENTATION OF THE COOPERATION OF COOPERATION-PROTERGIA COOPERATION …

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