The platform was created with the cooperation of the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Digital Governance, AADE, GIS and DEDDIE. Its operation was based on the proposal of POMIDA for the declaration without retrospectives and fines, of all the areas of the properties for the charging of municipal taxes and fees.

Without the visit at the counter of each Municipality and with simple steps through the application, more than 450,000 declarations have already been submitted and more than 10.5 million square meters have been declared for processing in the Municipalities.

On Friday, June 5, 2020, the following functions were implemented both for the further service of citizens and OTA employees:

  • Possibility to declare electrified sq.m. from a shared clock, which had been requested with successive memos from POMIDA to KEDE and the Ministry of the Interior.
    2 fields were added: Shared clock provision number, Area sq.m. common area.
  • Added the contact address to the declaration
  • Improved with more digits the entry of mobile phone so that it also registers mobile phones of foreign residents
  • Added the Building Block Number (optional field)
  • Added a field to characterize a property as Inside or Outside the Settlement
  • Added a field to non-electrified properties, to enter a relevant supply number. (concerns OTA employees)
  • Improvement of searches in the list of declarations for Municipal employees

In 12 In July 2020, a series of reports will be completed that will facilitate the Municipalities in better processing of the declarations. 

Here are photos of the new uses of the app:

squares 01


squares 02


squares 03