The AADE platform will be opened immediately for the submission of a COVID declaration for the compensation for the month of March 2021, until Friday, 14.5.2021, according to the decision GDOU 400/2021 of the Ministry of Finance, which determines the more specific procedure and the conditions for the advance payment of the amounts of the lessors’ compensation for the rents for the month of March 2021, which was already published in the Official Gazette B’ 1613/20-04-2021.
According to article 3 (Procedure for submission of “Covid Declaration” and procedure for recovery of amounts) of this decision, the beneficiary of compensation collection for the month of March lessor/sublessor, regardless of whether he received the advance payment of article 2 hereof, he is required to submit a declaration of rent change (“Covid Declaration”). If he is paid compensation in advance but does not submit a “Covid Declaration” by 14.5.2021, the amount paid to him becomes due and the process of seeking him as unduly paid will be determined by a new decision that will be issued within a month. Also, with a new decision, the procedure for paying the amount of compensation to new beneficiaries for the month of March who had not submitted a “Covid Declaration” will be determined (apparently for February 2021).