This decision is as follows:

Independent Authority
of Public Revenue
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Athens, November 19, 2020

No. Prot: E. 2184

TO: As Distribution Table

SUBJECT:            Clarifications on issues related to the submission of the “Covid Declaration” for the months of March to August 2020.

With A. 1243/2020 (B’ 4914/09-11-2020) Decision of the Governor of A.A.D.E. a new paragraph 8 was added to article 11 of the decision of the Governor of the Independent Public Revenue Authority POL.1162/2018 according to which landlords who receive notice from the Tax Administration to submit the “Covid Declaration” or the “Property Lease Information Declaration” for the months of March to August 2020 in order to correct their errors or omissions , have the possibility to submit the relevant declarations until December 15, 2020.

In this context and for the taxpayers who will receive the above notification by the Tax Administration, to submit the relevant declarations, so that the provisions of para. 2 of article 13 of Law 4690/2020 (Α΄104), regarding the discount of 20% on 60% of the rent calculated before the reduction, from debts with a final date of payment to the tax authority from 31/7/2020 onwards, the following is clarified:

  1. Based on the provisions of article 11 of POL.1162/2018 (Β΄3579) Decision of the Governor of A.A.D.E . as added by article 5 of A.1139/2020 (B’ 2269) Decision of the Governor of A.A.D.E. and A. 1230/2020 (Β΄4620) Decision of the Governor of A.A.D.E., the real estate lessors, whose rent has been reduced based on the provisions in force regarding measures to deal with the ongoing consequences of of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, submit a “Covid Declaration” in order to declare the change in rent and to benefit from the favorable arrangements provided for in these provisions. The initial or amending “Covid Declaration” is submitted within the deadlines set by the above decisions.
  2. With par. 4 of A. 1192/2020 (Β΄ 3636) of the Decision of the Governor of A.A.D.E. it was defined that an amending “Covid Declaration” is understoodthat follows the “Covid Declaration” submitted for the first time (initial declaration) regardless of the months it concerns.
  3. Further, the submission of the “Covid Declaration” presupposes the submission of the “Property Lease Information Statement”. Therefore, in the cases for which a “Property Lease Information Statement” has not been submitted electronically, in accordance with the provisions of article 9 of POL. 1162/2018, as added by article 4 of A.1139/2020 Decision of the Governor of A.A.D.E., this statement should precede the submission of a “Covid Statement”. This case also covers lease agreements that were concluded before January 1, 2014 as well as cases of rent adjustment (for example the annual rent adjustment), which should be included in the rent amount and reflected accordingly the right way in the respective field to cover the cases concerning readjustment (e.g. 2% on the turnover, 5% per year in relation to the first year’s rent, etc.), which during the initial submission of the lease information statement have been listed in the notes field.
  4. It is clarified that in accordance with the provisions of para. 2 of article 13 of Law 4690/2020 (A’ 104), as amended by para. 2 of article 5 of Law 4722/2020 (A’ 177) the said favorable arrangements occupy only natural persons lessors and not legalpersons or legal entities.
  5. In the event that the lease agreement has been tacitly extendedand no amending “Real Property Lease Information Statement” has been submitted to declare such extension, the lease agreement shall be deemed to be in validity, as long as no declaration of termination has been submitted and therefore the “Covid Declaration” will be accepted by the Tax Administration for the implementation of the discount of 20% on 60% of the rents calculated before the reduction, from debts with a due date payment to the tax authority from 31/7/2020 onwards, provided that the initial rent on the “Covid Declaration” is equal to the rent declared on the “Property Lease Information Statement”.
  6. In the event that “Covid Declarations” were submitted with an initial rent different from the monthly rentof the “Property Lease Information Statement”, to implement the discount of 20% on 60% of the rent calculated before from the reduction, from debts to the tax authority from 31/7/2020 onwards, and as long as the other conditions are met, the lessor who has submitted the declaration must resubmit either an amending “Covid Declaration” or an amending “Information Declaration” of Lease of Real Estate” correctly depicting the details of the lease relating to the amount of the lease.
  7. It is emphasized that in cases of affected businessesthat have submitted a declaration of cessation of operations, the “Covid Declaration” will the calculation of the discount is also taken into account. >par. 2 of article 13 of Law 4690/2020 will be carried out proportionally only for the period of the month concerned until the date of the suspension of operations. A proportional calculation is also carried out in case of starting work.
  8. The “Covid Declaration” in which the lessor is poor is accepted. In the event that the tenant is poor, the “Covid Declaration” is accepted only if he is also an employee with a suspended employment contract and the “Covid Declaration” concerns the lease of his main residence. If the “Covid Declaration” refers to the professional housing of a poor tenant, it is not accepted.
  9. By the Joint Ministerial Decision of the Ministers of Finance, Development and Investments, Labor and Social Affairs and Shipping and Island Policy A.1228/2020 (Β΄ 4582) it was defined that the provisions on rent reduction by 40% are also applied in cases of subletting properties. In this case beneficiary of the discount of par. 2 of article 13 of Law 4690/2020 (Α΄104) may only be the sublessor, subject to the conditions for reducing the rent and in the person of the sublessor for his professional establishment, so accordingly application beneficiary of the discount of par. 2 of article 13 of Law 4690/2020 (A΄104) is also the lessor for this lease. Real Estate” by more than one lessor – co-owners and submitted by each separately “Covid Declarations” the deduction of para. 2 of article 13 of Law 4690/2020 (Α΄104) is granted only for one of the “Property Lease Information Statements” and specifically for the one that corresponds to the first submitted “Covid Statement” or statement stating the date of termination of the lease. If all the necessary information is obtained from said declaration, then the discount is granted to all lessors. If during the mass processing of the multiple Covid declarations the details of the properties are not fully identified, the Tax Administration will contact the lessors to provide clarifications in order to finally carry out the deduction or not.
  10. If in the “Covid Declaration” the type of use of the lease has not been selected, an amending “Covid Declaration” must be submitted to fill in the specific omission.
  11. In the event that the lessor has submitted “Covid Declaration” for a property that has not been declared in the Property Information Declaration (E9), in order to have the benefit of 20% it is required, in case the deadline for submitting the E9 has not passed and within the relevant deadline according to A.1243/2020 Decision of the Governor of A.A.D.E. (Β΄ 4914/09-11-2020), either to submit this declaration in accordance with the written provisions, or to send the supporting documents from which his legal relationship with the property in question emerges, to the e-mail address diloseiscovid @aade.gr according to the relevant message he will receive in his inbox on myTAXISnet.

If there is an obligation to submit an E9 statement and the submission deadline has passed of, its submission within the deadline that will be set for the correction of omissions of the “Covid Declarations”, does not exempt the lessor from the possible imposition of penalties due to late submission, in accordance with the provisions related to the submission of E9 declarations. It should be noted that in case of failure to submit the necessary amending statements within the deadline set by A.1243/ 2020 (Β΄ 4914/09-11-2020) Decision of the Governor of A.A.D.E. “Covid Statements” are rejected.

  1. The favorable arrangements provided for by these provisions do not apply in cases of “Covid Declarations” where:

a.         Non-acceptance of the “Covid Declaration” has been declared even by one of the counterparty tenants or co-owners within the prescribed period.

b .         No rent reduction was declared for the months covered by the “Covid Declaration”.

c.         A lease has been declared property with the use of a main residence and the lessee is neither himself nor his spouse/M.S.S., employees with a suspended employment/navigation contract, according to the data of ERGANI or the Ministry of Shipping and Islands policy respectively, in an affected business based on the provisions.

d.         The rent reduction concerns a student for the month of March or tenants with a professional lease who have not joined the affected businesses based on the provisions.

e.         The rent reduction is less than 40%.

f.       A.F.M. of the lessor or the lessee is suspended for carrying out intra-Community transactions.

g.         The lessee is a legal person or legal entity and has leased a property for residential use.

  1. Some examples of application of the provisions of para. 2 of article 13 of Law 4690/2020:

A.        Property with two co-owners A & Band a 50% co-ownership percentage on it, who have leased the said property to 2 persons C΄ D (co-lessees) instead of the amount of 500 euros per month and who pay, from 250 euros each as rent to A & B. In the event that only one of the co-tenants e.g. C is the victim and is entitled to a 40% reduction of the rent, the application of the right to discount an amount equal to 20% of 60% of the rents for these months will be carried out as follows:

Monthly initial rent paid by C to A & B = 250 euros (125 for A and 125 for B)

Reduction of rent by 40% based on the written provisions: 250*40%= 100 euros

Rent payable by tenant C to A & B, after the reduction of the rent by 40%, on which the provisions of par. 2 of no. 13 of n. 4690/2020: 150 euros *20% = 30 euros. Therefore the amount to be deducted from the debts of the two (2) co-owners A & B, with a deadline for payment to the tax authority from 31/7/2020 onwards, is 15 euros for each.

B.         Property with two joint owners A & B and a 50% share of co-ownership on it, who have leased the property in question to 2 persons C΄ D (co-tenants) instead of the amount of 500 euros per month and who pay, from 250 euros each as rent to A & B. In the event that one co-owner, B’ cannot benefit from the favorable arrangements (discount of paragraph 2 of article 13 of Law 4690/2020), as it is e.g. legal entity, and only one of the lessees, C, is affected, the application of the right to discount an amount equal to 20% of 60% of the rents for those months will be carried out as follows:

Monthly initial rent paid by C to A & B = 250 euros (125 for A and 125 for B)

Reduction of rent by 40% based on the written provisions: 250*40%= 100 euros

Rent payable by tenant C to A & B, after the reduction of the rent by 40%, on which the provisions of par. 2 of no. 13 of n. 4690/2020: 250 euros – 100 euros = 150 euros * 20% = 30 euros the amount that will be deducted from the debts of one of the co-owners, A, is the amount of 15 euros.

C.         Owner A with 20 properties who leases them to B for a monthly rent of 200 euros for each property and B uses one property as the headquarters of his business and sublets the remaining 19 properties to 19 sublessees at a monthly rent of 400 euros per property. The 19 sublessees are affected and are entitled to pay a 40% reduced rent, the application of the right to discount an amount equal to 20% of 60% of the rents for these months will be carried out as follows: Total monthly rent paid by B to A :200 euros *20 = 4000 euros.

Sublessor B receives from the 19 sublessees monthly rents: 400 euros * 19 = 7600 euros.

Reduction of rents by 40% for the 19 sublessees based on the written provisions: 7600*40%= 3040 euros (400*40%=160 reduction that each sublessee has).

Rents paid by the 19 sublessees to sublessee B, after reducing the rent by 40%, on which the provisions of par. 2 of no. 13 of n. 4690/2020: 7600 euros – 3040 euros = 4560 euros * 20% = 912 euros, which is the amount that will be deducted from the debts of sublessor B .

Also, in the event that sublessor B is also affected and since a separate “Property Lease Information Statement” by extension and “Covid Statement” has been submitted for his business establishment, he is entitled as a lessee to pay a reduced rent by 40% to landlord A (200 euros*40%= 80 euros the reduction and 200-80=120 euros the final rent to be paid) and landlord A will receive the discount of para. 2 of article 13 of Law 4690/2020, as long as a separate “Property Lease Information Statement” by extension and “Covid Statement” has been submitted for his business establishment. The said discount is equal to the amount of (120 euros *20%) 24 euros.


With the previous decision number A.1243/2020 decision of the Governor of AADE Mr. George Pitsilis “Amendment of the decision of Governor of the Independent Public Revenue Authority (Β΄ 3579)” was given a deadline of December 15, 2020 to correct errors and omissions in “Covid Declarations” and “Real Estate Lease Information Statements.

With this decision (Government Gazette B’ 4914/09-11-2020) the following are defined:


Having regard to: 1.
b) Chapter A ‘Establishment of an Independent Public Revenue Authority’ of the first part of Law 4389/2016 and in particular Article 7, paragraph 1 of Article 14 and Article 41 thereof, as applicable (a) 94), c) Article 1 of Law 4683/2020, which ratifies the Legislative Act of 20.3.2020 “Act of Episcopal Measures to address the consequences of the risk of spreading the Covid -9 Coronovation, support. society and entrepreneurship and to ensure the smooth functioning of the market and public administration ”(A ’83) and in particular of this second article, as in force of Article 26 of the same law to extend the reduction of business leases and leases. Residential, d) Article 1 of Law 4684/2020, which ratifies the Legislative Act of 30.3.2020 “COVID-19 pandemic measures and other urgent provisions” (A’86) , and article 3 of Law 4684/2020, as applicable to leasing for naval and dependent student leases,
e) of article 4 of Law 4690/2020 (A ‘104),
(f) of the elements d.  A 1036960 EX 2017/ 10-3-2017 (B’ 968 and B’ 1238) of the decision of the Governor of the Independent Public Revenue Authority “Organization of the Independent Public Revenue Authority (A.A.D.E.)”, as supplemented, amended and valid.

2. D. 18), in combination with the provisions of the first paragraph of par. 10 of article 41 of Law 4389/2016 and the decision of the Independent Public Revenue Authority’s Board of Management No. 39/3/30-11-2017 “Renewal of the term of office of the Governor of the Independent Public Revenue Authority” (Y.O.D.D. 689) and the decision no. 5294 EX 2020/17.1.2020 of the Minister of Finance “Renewal of the term of office of the Governor of the Independent Public Revenue Authority Revenue ”(YDD. 27). online method of communication online ”(B ‘3579), as amended by A.1139/2020 (B’ 2269) decision of the Commander of the Independent Public Revenue Authority and is in force.

4. The need to facilitate the debtors receiving a notice of corrective submission of the “COVID statement” or “declaration of real estate leasing information”. of the Independent Public Revenue Authority (AADE),

we decide:

1. After the par. 7 of article 11 of the decision of the Governor of the Independent Public Revenue Authority under data POL.1162/2018, a new par. 8 is added as follows:
“8. Lessors who receive a notice from the Tax Administration to submit the “Covid Statement” or the “Real Estate Lease Information Statement” for the months of March to August 2020 in order to correct their errors or omissions, submit by December 15, 2020.

2. The rest of the POL.1162/2018 decision of the Governor of the Independent Public Revenue Authority is valid.

Athens, October 30, 2020

The Commander