“SAVE-AUTOMOMO” was presented on 3.8.2020 in a press conference by the Minister of Environment and Energy Kostis Hatzidakis, the Deputy Minister of Development and Investments Yiannis Tsakiris, the Secretary General of Energy and Minerals of the Ministry of Raw Materials Alexandra Sdoukou, the president and managing director of the Hellenic Development Bank (EAT) Athina Hatzipetrou and the president of the Technical Chamber of Greece Giorgos Stasinos.
According to In his introductory statement, the Minister of Environment and Energy Kostis Hatzidakis recalled that in 2009 he presented – as Minister of Development at the time – the first “Exkoyonamo” which evolved into the most popular program of the NSRF, noting that until now thanks to these programs the energy upgrade of almost 130,000 homes has been achieved.
“Now we present an upgraded program, SAVE-AUTONOMO” which aims beyond energy saving and energy autonomy of households, with new incentives and interventions that encourage the production and storage of energy from RES and the installation of “smart” energy management systems. It is a program fully adapted to the imperatives of the National Energy and Climate Plan, as well as the directions of the European Union regarding climate change policies. Programs like this are increasingly being embraced by the EU, particularly through the Recovery Fund. That is why the Recovery Fund will be a central financial pillar for the “Renovation Wave” which foresees that tens of billions of euros will be given for the energy upgrade of buildings throughout Europe. In other words, from next year mammoth programs for energy saving will be announced which will make the “Save” as we know it until now seem rather small. Therefore, I think there is no question of covering those who are left out of one phase of the program, because they will be able to join the next phases.
SAVE-AUTOMONO is only the beginning! This and the rest of the programs that will follow (for public buildings, tourism, etc.) constitute market activation levers for the implementation of significant investments. In this way, we believe that construction and other sectors of domestic production will be supported, creating new jobs and added value to the Greek economy. Something that is required for the immediate period ahead and for dealing with the shock caused by the coronavirus pandemic”
The Deputy Minister of Development and InvestmentsYannis Tsakiris underlined that “SAVE-AUTONOMO has adopted a new model that “clicks” both with the ESEK and with the more general European agenda for energy saving, which emphasizes active saving.
“What makes the new program very attractive to the market is that it will be continuously updated, rolling and open. The funds will be European. More specifically, we create a “piece” of the budget from the existing NSRF. The main financier of this program will be the next NSRF as well as other European funds, such as the Recovery Fund. Our goal is for the annual budget to be in the order of 1 billion in the coming years. euros.”
The Secretary General of Energy and Mineral Raw Materials Alexandra Sdoukou noted that “SAVE-AUTONOMO is among the actions with a strong development character with direct benefit for the citizens, but also employment, as it directly creates turnover in businesses and professionals, especially small and medium-sized ones and indeed in sectors of the Greek economy. It is a “win-win” program, in which literally everyone wins. Its basic principle is saving, as the cheapest kilowatt-hour is the one that is never consumed. In fact, this kilowatt-hour is also the greenest, since it does not require any production, does not burden the environment, does not require transmission and distribution networks”.
In this context, Ms. Sdoukou noted that the two main sets of interventions concern on the one hand the improvement of the housing shell on the one hand, and the electromechanical systems on the other. He also described the new elements of EXOIKONOMO-AUTONOMO, which are, among other things, energy autonomy interventions, the subsidy for the installation of digital systems and technologies that contribute to energy saving (e.g. smart sockets, smart thermostats, low consumption lighting, etc. ). As an example, he mentioned that “automatic lighting systems with light and motion sensors allow lights to turn on only when and as much as needed, saving up to 70% on lighting energy consumption”
Mrs. Sdoukou made special mention of the issue of apartment buildings, as “the experience to date has shown that apartment buildings are the most difficult case. That is why we are introducing a second category of interventions in apartment buildings, which concern only the common areas and therefore do not require interventions in the individual apartments. We have provided for a separate budget and separate dates for apartment buildings and I am sure that in this area too the new program will prove to be an improvement over the previous ones”
The head of the EBA Ms. Athina Hatzipetrou highlighted the added value that the know-how, experience and capital leveraging capabilities of the Hellenic Development Bank can bring to the entire program. “Given his ten years of experience in managing the Save programs, he can act as a reliable point of reference for participants. We can offer technical support in the implementation of the program, but also manage the entire execution process, from the submission of the request to the disbursement. I would dare to envision a green Greek Development Bank that will contribute decisively to the energy upgrade of the country, leveraging resources, contributing to the speed of absorption but also indirectly supporting the entrepreneurship of our country”
The president of the Technical Chamber of Greece, Mr. Giorgos Stasinos, emphasized that “Exkoyonamo” is the most important program based on European resources for three reasons:
Firstly, it contributes to energy saving which is the country’s main goal
Second, it helps citizens reduce energy costs, so it helps many
Third, it directly activates construction and the dozens of professions connected to the specific object, therefore it gives a strong boost to the economy
“For to achieve the above objectives it should be ensured that the resources that will be spent will actually achieve the goal of saving. The Memorandum of Cooperation that the TEE has signed with the Ministry of the Interior and which promotes – among other things – the certification of inspectors and the establishment of an objective control system, moves in this direction.
We will be present to help the Ministry and ensure that the money spent will be put into place and the country will reach its European targets”
Only natural persons who have a real right to an eligible residence are entitled to participate in the Program.
The Program grant will be given based on the income criteria of the tax year 2019 (cleared tax returns).
The eligibility of the Program expenses ends on December 31, 2023.
Eligible residences are the single-family house, the multi-family house as well as the individual apartment. A residence, in order to be considered eligible, must meet the following general conditions:
-It is used as a main residence, as can be seen from the data of the income tax return (E1) of the person who uses it.
-It exists legally.
-It has been classified based on the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) issued after 26.11.2017 in a category below or equal to C.
-It has not been deemed to be demolished.
The income categories in which the applicants (beneficiaries of the Program) are classified and receive a grant are:
Income Family
Income Basic Rate of Contribution COVID-19 premium 2020 – 2021 Energy building upgrade premium Z/H to B (minimum) Maximum Rate of Addition
1 ≤ 10,000 ≤ 20,000 65% 10% 10% 85%
2 > 10,000 – 20,000 > 20,000 – 30,000 55% 10% 10% 75%
3 > 20,000 – 30,000 > 30,000 – 40,000 50% 10% 10% 70%
4 > 30,000 – 50,000 > 40,000 – 70,000 45% 10% 10% 65%
5 > 50,000 – 90,000 > 70,000 – 120,000 35% 10% 10% 55%
COVID-19 premium. Due to the financial difficulties that have arisen due to the corona virus pandemic, an additional +10% is added for the applications to be submitted in the years 2020-2021
Energy premium For the individual apartments and detached houses of energy class H and Z, an additional 10% is added to the basic grant percentage, provided an upgrade to at least B energy category is achieved.
Interventions carried out after the issuance of the first Energy Performance Certificate (date of eligibility start) are eligible.
Interventions are submitted based on the recommendations of the Energy Inspector and pertain to the following categories:
1. Replacement of Frames
Mandatory recycling or disposal of existing frames in legally operating material disposal sites (replace – recycle)Ø
Possibility of replacing glass panes in buildings protected or of historical value or of special architectureØ
2. Installation/replacement of thermal insulation of the shell
3. Upgrading of the heating-cooling system
Removal of oil burners and the relevant tanks is also considered an eligible interventionØ
Eligibility for oil burners is abolishedØ
Eligibility for energy fireplaces is abolished in Athens and ThessalonikiØ
4. Domestic Hot Water System using RES
Mandatory installation for cases where there is no installed DHW system.Ø
5. Energy autonomy interventions
5.1 Power generation systems from RES
eligible only if the residence is upgraded, with the main energy saving interventions, to an energy category of at least B+.Ø
Eligible intervention is the installation of a PV station only to cover the demand (net metering)Ø
5.2 Storage systems
Eligible only as a complementary intervention to the installation of a new Photovoltaic stationØ
6. Infrastructure for charging electric vehicles
CE CertifiedØ
only devices that are suitable, based on ELOT EN standards, and intended for charging electric vehicles in a domestic environmentØ
7. Interventions of Smart Systems (Smart Home) are eligible
Digital systems and technologies that contribute to saving energy
a) Smart lighting (e.g. smart sockets, low-consumption LED lighting)
b) Smart management of the heating/cooling system (e.g. smart thermostats)
c) Remote Control (e.g. smart leak, humidity sensors, etc.)
8. Other Eligible Shared Interventions (apartment buildings)
8.1 Elevator upgrade
Only the interventions required for elevator certification (KYA 28425/2008) and Ø
the mandatory installation of inverters in the elevators are eligible in order to achieve a reduction of their energy footprint without affecting their safety and functionalityØ
8.2 Lighting system upgrade
Replacement of low-consumption lamps (e.g. LED)Ø
Replacement of the timing system with an intelligent management system, depending on time (day/night), brightness, entry/exit point, etc.Ø
Replacement of the activation circuit with automation with motion sensorsØ
The maximum selectable intervention budget per application cannot exceed €50,000, including VAT. or 100,000 euros per Beneficiary Tax Identification Number.
Maximum eligible budget for energy saving interventions is 1.2 euros per KWh saved
The maximum eligible budget for shared interventions in apartment buildings is € 80,000.
The cost of the energy inspector’s fee, the project consultant’s fee and the cost of any studies are covered, while in the case of a bank loan through the Program, the loan is interest-free.
The main changes in relation to “Home Savings II – 2nd Cycle” are:
– Simplification of income categories with expansion of income limits
– -Minimum energy requirement-target of the new program: Energy upgrade of a residence by at least 3 energy categories
-Increase in basic subsidy rate,
o energy premium for categories H and Z upgrade to category B at least: +10%
o COVID-19 premium for the years 2020 – 2021: +10%
o special increase of +10% to the basic subsidy rate for the lignite regions of Western Macedonia and Megalopolis
– The limitation of a of application per beneficiary
– Eligible homes of energy category C and below
– Maximum eligible budget for energy interventions €1.2 per KWh saved
– Maximum total eligible budget (energy interventions and autonomy interventions) 50,000 euros per eligible residence or 100,000 euros per Beneficiary Tax Identification Number
– New eligible interventions
o Energy autonomy interventions
o Smart Systems interventions (Smart Home)
o Eligible Shared Interventions (apartment buildings)
– Minimum energy target upgrade by 3 energy categories
– Incentives for apartment buildings
o distinct PC and different application submission date
o Two types of application for participation in the program.
Multi-family house application type A: Shared interventions and interventions in the individual apartments§
Multi-family house application type B: Only shared interventions§
o All owners are given horizontally a basic grant rate of 60% of INDEPENDENT income which is increased by 10 % for the years 2020 – 2021 COVID-19 premium while
o A Fair Transition Clause is foreseen, with a special increase of +10% to the basic interest rate for the lignite areas of Western Macedonia and Megalopolis.
o In addition an energy premium is given to type A apartment building applications of 10% the interventions lead to a significant reduction in energy consumption (upgrading a building from Z/H energy category to at least B)
Applications are submitted electronically through the program platform.
The start of submitting applications for the eligible homes is expected to begin in November, on separate dates per Region. Finally, a separate budget is provided for apartment buildings and the relevant start of submitting applications is expected in December.
You can download the presentation from here