First, the ministerial proclamation will need to be legislated, either by an amendment to a pending bill, or by a legislative act (PNP) which will include all the new regulations of November due to of the corona virus. 

: justify?”>”>The taxpayer owners will then submit COVID declarations to the AADE application with the known procedure, within a special deadline to be announced by the AADE. At the same time, it goes without saying that the owners will be asked to state the number of the bank account in which the amount corresponding to each will be deposited.  

This will be followed by the screening and clearance of the COVID declarations, which this time is expected to be much faster than previous clearances due to the experience gained by all , and finally depositing the amounts into the bank accounts of the owners. Owners should therefore be patient, knowing that no one will lose the money they are entitled to.

This arrangement will likely apply to December as well, given that by law 14 days of closure or suspension of work is sufficient for tenants to be entitled to a reduction for the full month’s rent…

How the new arrangement will work : Let’s say for example that we have a November business monthly rent of 1,000 euros,

* The tenant is required to pay for the month of November 2020 the amount of 600 euros. These will be declared and taxed as normal next year. If they are not paid by the tenant, the owner who will not have collected them by then, is entitled not to be taxed for them if he presents to the DOU a court decision or even files a lawsuit in the competent court for them, until the day of the deadline for submitting the tax returns declarations.

* The new arrangement is significantly superior because of the 400 euros that were “cut”, the State will return the200 euros by depositing into the bank account of the owner, and not just the 120 euros offset against his tax obligations, as was the arrangement until now. The amount of 200 euros that will be credited to each owner will remain tax-free. The remaining 200 euros are permanently lost to the owners under the law and without compensation…

*Where optional reductions of -30% have been agreed remain valid for the months of September and October. For November and December, we consider it obvious that the reduction automatically becomes mandatory and if a smaller one has been agreed, its percentage is increased to reach the mandatory -40%. It is understood that the refund of 50 % of the loss will be applied in full for the months of November – December and for owners who have agreed optional reductions with their tenants. That is, 50% will be calculated on the total loss of income (optional and mandatory) that they have, since otherwise it would be grossly unfair to those who took voluntary reductions! 

> September where the decision for which KAD was concerned with the September optional reduction was issued on the 30th of the month, but some were accusing the owners of not attending to optional reductions!!!  

*It goes without saying that this procedure does not concern the rents of the previous months of March-October for which the old regulation and return procedure will remain in force, for the which unfortunately the process of offsetting them has not yet been completed, despite the relevant efforts of all. whose positions are always aimed at the general social interest, her claims always have an element of realism, and her proposals (initially a 30% offset, then optional rent reductions, and now a 50% refund) are eventually adopted, even if belatedly…

Today, on this matter, POMIDA addresses three specific proposals to the government’s financial staff! 

  1. The amount to be paid to each owner, must be expressly legislated that in addition to tax-free, it should to be forfeitable and inalienable, and not to be offset against any other obligations of the owner to any public body, as is also the case for all other benefits during this period!For if the beneficial owner has outstanding debts to Public and this issue is not resolved, this amount will be automatically confiscated, in offset with part of his obligations!  Therefore, it is fair and self-evident that it should be legislated that for this amount it should apply to all the amounts that the State pays as aid to the various sectors of the economy and society, otherwise it will be essentially “ free gift” for the owners, in today’s difficulties!
  2. In addition to this return,which is a very important step in the right direction,and which was the basic and unyielding request of POMIDA from the first moment, with the insignificant cost of 30 million euros (that is, only 0.9% of the 3.3 billion euros that the government will allocate for this month!!!) , must be extended to real estate lessorswith “cut” rents, who unfortunately do not have a social security system like all the other victims, and all other facilitations and transfers of tax obligations, arrangements, etc. and main and student housing rent reductions,provided for so many other categories of taxpayers!  Consequently, the extension of all beneficial measures to real estate lessors must be legislated!!!
  3. Finally, the measure is still it does not include all kinds of legal entities which remain irrationally, outside of any tax relief, and this concerns both all kinds of charitable and public benefit institutions, but also private companies. Consequently, it must be legislated that this return and all additional beneficial measures will also concern all legal entities-lessors of real estate!