Positive developments, which POMIDA welcomes, include:
- The regulation by the Ministry of Digital Governance of the problem of independent parking spaces in the open area of the pilothouse, for the solution of which POMIDA fought for almost 35 years!
- The adoption of measures facilitating the lending of the market and subsidizing the renovation of houses and the construction of social housing for the first time in our country by exploiting inactive public property, instead of the easy but destructive “solution” of the imposition of forced “ceiling” measures and extensions to housing leases, which will led to a substantial “closure” of this market, which would de facto exclude young people and those with unknown creditworthiness tenants from the possibility of finding housing.
- The two-year extension of the suspension of VAT and capital gains tax on the building.
- The non-acceptance of persistent self-interested suggestions for essentially destroying the short-term rental sector by adopting regulations that would make the successful sector tax evaders.
- Finally the immediate and warm response of the Mayor of Athens Mr. Costas Bakoyannis and his fellow members of the Municipal Council in two documented requests of POMIDA: First, in POMIDA’s appeal for intervention by the Local Government in favor of the citizens who were wronged, by asking the Ministry of Finance to halve the large increases in property values of the Municipality of Athens, hoping for its imitation by other Municipalities of our country, but also for the positive response from the Ministry of Finance, which has the final word on this serious issue of objective values, and secondly, the decision to reduce municipal cleaning and lighting fees by 5% for the year 2023.
However, POMIDA sounds the alarm for the following particularly negative regulations:
- For the extension of the unfair and unilateral 3% ceiling on commercial leases which in the long term will lead to an indirect reinstatement of the Tenancy, for the abolition of which POMIDA fought for three decades, without any counterweight in favor of the owners, the main one of which would be the drastic rationalization of the predatory tax scale of rent taxation, which is the only one not adjusted by the current government!
- For the targeted depreciation of off-plan plots of small size and value, assets of the Greek people, based on draconian and unreasonable regulations that are nowhere in the electoral program of the ruling party.
- For the failure by the Ministry of the Interior to promote the necessary arrangements for the automatic exemption from the charging of municipal fees in non-electrified properties, the rationalization of fines and the reduction of the 20-year statute of limitations to 5 years, as now applies to all debts to the State, and the permanent operation of the KEDE platform for undeclared areas, with progressively increased fines for those who declare them late.
- For the Ministry of Environment not solving the problem of the legalization of the area differences between neighboring horizontal properties and the minor deviations of up to 2% from the urban plans, but also the general non-solution, in cooperation and with the Ministry of Finance, of the ownership problem of off-plan properties, through maintaining the State’s ability to claim “from everyone, everything and for always!”
- For the unjustified and disastrous doubling of the monetary limit for obtaining a Schengen visa with the purchase of property from citizens of third countries (Golden Visa), and in fact in the 7 apartments of the Municipality of Athens and in other areas of Attica and the Municipality of Thessaloniki, which will directly affect the competitiveness of the country in this sensitive and important sector, combined with the fact that the bureaucracy of the contract drafting process real estate, instead of being simplified, has been further complicated, in a real “Golgotha” for citizens and notaries.
- End to the dramatic multiplication of the confiscation “supplementary” tax of the new ENFIA for large number of taxpayers in the country, owners of unprofitable properties, ignoring the devastating and literally inhumane consequences to them.