To the Minister of Digital Governance Mr. Kyriakos Pierrakakis

The Deputy Minister of Digital Governance Mr. Theodoros Livani

To the President of the Greek Land Registry Prof. Mr. Dimitrios Stathakis

Inside Athens, 4.12.2022

SUBJECT: Explicit “Confidence” for uncollected old and proportional Land Registry fees!

Dear Ministers, Mr. President,

Our organization has always been a supporter in all the efforts of the respective governments to promote the creation and completion of the Land Registry of the country us. In fact, the older ones will remember that the online announcement and information of the owners of the areas under land registration was carried out for almost five years through the POMIDA website www.pomida.gr, until the Land Registry created its own website !

With this letter we want to return to you and make a permanent request, with the satisfaction of which they will stop hanging as “swords of Damocles” upon the owners of the country, two unpleasant and unnecessary pending matters of the past:

  1. In the pilot programs of the period 1995-2002 the filing of land registration declarations was done without the payment of a fixed land registration fee, which was then set at 20-35 euros. Later it was legislated to pay a proportional land registration fee of 1 and up to 900 euros,in all land-registered properties with an objective value of more than 20,000 euros!

Today, however, as for the fixed fees of the pilot programs, a period of 20 years has passed, so the relevant right to collection has essentially surrendered in limitation.

The proportional fee of 1% was legislated at a time when there was a need to secure revenue for the operation of the future Land Registry Offices. But already with the amalgamation of the Mortgage Registries into larger Land Registry Offices per region, and the legislation of a fee of up to 1% on the objective value of the real estate contracts registered in them, enormous annual revenues have been created, which have exceeded all relevant expectations and need!

Because Ministers, Mr. President, we are particularly concerned because the procedure was recently updated legislatively collection of the above fees, while there is neither practical, but above all, no “political” possibility, by any government, to collect these unfair fees in any way, either en masse, or when signing transfer contracts, thus adding even greater obstacles to transactions , and since most of the properties have already passed to new owners who are not related to the above debts, we request, in consultation with the financial staff of the Government, that the above obligations of the owners for the uncollectible old fixed assets are finally abolished by explicit legislative regulation and the proportional Land Registry fees!

At your disposal for any cooperation and clarification

President                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Secretary General

Stratos I. Paradias                                      Tasos G. Vappas

Attorney A.P., President of UIPI – y.D.N.